Office hours are from 9 AM to 5 PM on Monday through Thursday, and from 9 AM to 1 PM on Fridays.
ESTABLISHED PATIENTS ONLY- who have had an appointment within the last year, you can use the live scheduler below. Links to cancel or reschedule your appointment are in your confirmation and reminder emails. Even for telemedicine appointments, patients will need to be in the state of Texas - the doctor cannot see patients from out-of-state.
Because both are currently available, please confirm, in "Choose Appointment" that you have the type of appointment you want.
For telemedicine, scroll down to "Telemedicine Med Check or Extended Telemedicine appointment."
You will need to continue telemedicine appointments and cannot be seen in the office if you have not yet received your COVID-19 vaccination.
If you schedule an appointment in the office, you may have to show your vaccination card. You will also need to wear a face mask the entire time you are in the office, for the safety of staff and fellow patients.
NEW PATIENTS- and patients for whom the last appointment was over a year ago, or if you prefer to schedule by telephone, the office number is 832-726-0720, and at the recorded greeting, press option 1 (one). Business office hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST, Monday through Thursday, and from 9:00 AM to 12 noon on Fridays. If you are directed to voicemail, please either call back in a few minutes or leave a detailed message.
In the case of the parent or guardian of a minor child covered by a separation order or divorce decree, a copy of the paperwork authorizing the parent or guardian to seek mental health treatment for the child will need to be provided prior to or at the time of the first appointment. If that order or decree cannot be provided by the first appointment, it will be rescheduled until said paperwork is available.